
COVID and Masonic meetings

Extracted from the Grand Master’s message (17/08/20)

If you are a member, the full message should be available in your inbox. You can also find it here

The closing of all Lodges has been extended following the Government’s COVID-19 restriction announcement and the decision of the Grand Master.

The situation will be reassessed on 21st August 2020, and a subsequent announcement will follow.

A national-wide Lodge closure is necessary as a precautionary measure because the full extent of the original source of the community outbreak has not been established.

Freemasons New Zealand is also reviewing its Policy and Guidelines. This includes any additional requirements that may be necessary, particularly if we have a regional approach to differing levels of alert.

This is done in light of the uncertainty around future community transmission and the raising and lowering of COVID-19 Alert Levels across the country.

It is important, that we take all steps to protect each other, our families along with widows and older brethren and that we use all available means to stay in touch and support and help them.

Graham J. Wrigley, Grand Master

More information is available on the Grand Lodge website